CII also provides the participants, the assistance to achieve Fellowship / Mastership / Diplomate in the ICOI.
ICOI CREDENTIALSICOI FELLOWSHIP- 20 completed cases (at least 1year old from implant placement)
- Documentation of 100 hours implant education in the preceding 5 years
- Letter of Recommendation from a Fellow ICOI
- Current Resume
FELLOWSHIP MAINTAINANCE- Maintain membership in good standing
- Attend at least one ICOI sponsored/co-sponsored meeting every 3 years
- 100 hours or more implant education within 5 years after becoming a Fellow
- Active ICOI fellowship
MASTERSHIP REQUISITES- 80 completed cases which is at least 2 years from restoration on case documentation form; 20 cases submitted with the application
- Documentation of 150 hours of Continuing Implant Education in the preceding 5 years
- Letter of Recommendation from a current ICOI mastership
- Evidence of presenting at least 2 table top/poster presentation at ICOI meetings within last 5 years
- Current resume
MASTERSHIP MAINTANENCE- Maintain membership in good standing
- Attend at least one ICOI sponsored/co-sponsored meeting very 3 years
- 150 hours/more implant education within 5 years after becoming ICOI mastership
- Active ICOI fellowship/mastership
DIPLOMATE REQUISITES- 120 cases which is 3 years old from placement (individual implants AND ancillary procedures with restorations) in Case Documentation
- Out of these, 20 should be detailed as
- 10 cases should be at least 3 years old and show some diversity in implant selection, ancillary procedures, restorative design/materials.
- 10 advanced cases(advanced surgical or advanced restorative procedures)
- Choose 2 of these cases that have been in function at least 3 years; and 1 recently completed complex case as ppt for oral interview + 20 cases Documented for the interview - 250 hours of Continuing Implant Education in the preceding 5 years
- Evidence of completing any 1
- Authored/co-authored atleast any one article/case report on Implant Dentistry
- Atleast 2 lectures/table-top presentations at implant meetings within 5 years - 2 Letters of Recommendation from ICOI diplomate attesting to your knowledge on implant prosthetics or implant surgery
- Current resume
- Attend regional ICOI Diplomate exam
DIPLOMATE MAINTAINENCE- Membership in good standing
- Attend at least one ICOI sponsored/co-sponsored meeting every 3 years
- 150 hours or more Continuing Implant Education within 5 years of becoming a diplomate